SWaCH28th October 2021
https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/swach-to-protest-pmcs-decision-to-establish-contract-system-for-waste-collection-7328531/ https://www.dainikprabhat.com/pune-black-ribbons-of-waste-pickers/ http://newspaper.pudhari.co.in/fullview.php?edn=Pune&artid=PUDHARI_PUN_20210525_03_9 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=143019924518373 https://www.facebook.com/Pudharionline/videos/913253466135332/ https://www.lokmat.com/pune/no-idea-remove-swachh-sanstha-and-contract-it-out-ganesh-bidkar-a721/
SWaCH24th May 2021
Kashinath Baburao Kale died waiting for a bed! When Kashinath felt unwell on the 4th…
SWaCH14th July 2020
Meet the 10 year old twins who are making the world a better place. The…
SWaCH20th June 2020
Supriya Bhadakwad is hero! Not just because she is a corona warrior. She has been…
SWaCH19th June 2020
When faced with this tough option, Anjana Ghorke chose to move rather than quit. In…
SWaCH19th June 2020
As positive cases of COVID-19 climb the charts in Pune, many fear infections but the…
SWaCH18th June 2020
Diabetes, Blood pressure, anemia! Unfortunately these ailments created by stress and lack of proper nutrition…
SWaCH18th June 2020
On the 12th of April, Sunil K (name changed) went to see his family doctor.…
SWaCH17th June 2020